Automatic nozzles changer 6, 12 and 18 nozzles formats

Thanks to the successful integration of the automatic nozzle changer device in its fiber laser cutting systems equipped with automation, Cy-laser has decided to extend this option to the entire product range.

With the possibility of choosing between 6, 12 and 18 nozzles formats, the overall performance of the system definitely increases. As materials and thicknesses may vary throughout the day of production, this device is very useful as it selects automatically the correct nozzle for each process. Moreover, it does not require any operator input, reduces downtime, allows a quick change, a greater cleanliness, a specific nozzle positioning and a height calibration check.

The automatic nozzle changer is available for all CY2D fiber laser cutting systems.A seguito del successo dell’integrazione del cambio ugelli sui sistemi laser completi di automazione, Cy-laser ha esteso questa opzione a tutta la gamma di sistemi taglio laser.